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I am very excited to be supporting a long-time heroine of mine,Toyah Willcox, at the Lowther Pavilion, Lytham St Annes on Thursday, 20 February. Doors open 7.30. tickets available at:




Supporting the amazing Toyah!



OMG! What an amazing night. the audience were abosoultely amazing . The response was fantastic. People coming up to me wanting to know who I was and where they could download my music.


As for Toyah, what an incredibly inspirational woman. Her flare for style, delivery and sheer stage presence  made me unknowlingly hold my breath in silence and in awe of her. Her vocal range and the beauty of her voice had everyone entranced.


Thank you to everyone who made my night!


Supporting the inspiriational  and one and only ...THE SOUTH .... 


Absoultely nervous as hell!

These guys have been an inspiration to me since the days of the House Martins! I made the stupid Mistake of watching them on Youtube bfore going to the gig!!! There were loads of them and they were just musical gods!

When we were arrived they were just finishing their sound check. What a lovely bunch of genuinely nice people .... still didn't help with the nerves though-



An absolutely brilliant night

playing at the


in BarrowIn Furness,

the next town to my 


The sound, the lighting

the audeince and not to 

mention The South were incredible! Nerves gone!


We aired our new song 'Happy@

and had them singing and dancing!

Made my heart Happy!

sound check - nerves showing!

© Anita Anderson 2013

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